Learn to learn from dogs

Enter the world of canine education

Dog parents
Dogs are perfect companions who help us slow down and appreciate the smaller things in life. But, it’s hard to build a peaceful relationship when there is miscommunication that leads to excessive barking, nipping, destruction, chewing and biting. We help you change that so you and your dog can bond for life.

If you’re looking to pursue your dream career of working with dogs or are a canine professional looking to upgrade your knowledge, you’ve come to the right place. You can get a globally recognized and accredited diploma in canine behaviour and ethology at BHARCS. Learn with students from all over the world!
Explore BHARCS courses & workshops
Courses & Workshops
The BHARCS approach to dog behaviour is through cutting-edge scientific research and empathy. Our courses & workshops are designed to aid your learning even if you’re absolutely new to this world of learning to learn from dogs. Whether you are a pet parent trying to understand your own dog, a rescuer or professional looking to learn better dog handling or an aspiring behaviour consultant or researcher, we have something for you.